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Your Gateway to 10,000+ Industry Connections and Unmatched Business Opportunities at the 48th DITF


The Main Objective of the DITF

The main objective of the DITF is to facilitate exhibitors' showcasing and demonstrating their products, services, and technologies, reaching new markets, and exploring new opportunities.


The Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) has positioned itself as an International Trade Promotion platform considered to be the largest of its kind in the Eastern and Central African Region in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors.

This year’s event will be the 48th instalment of this prestigious trade fair.
The expo is organised by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE), TanzaKwanza Strategists Limited, Kingdom Leadership Network Tanzania (KLNT-KLI) together with other supporting agencies and service providers.

Expected Number of Visitors and Exhibitors

“The number of exhibitors at the fair ranges between 3,500 and 4,500. This year, we aim to attract over 600 international exhibitors and around 500,000 visitors. Significantly, exhibitors are guaranteed to interact with consumers, agents, importers, wholesalers, traders, business executives, diplomats, government officials, policymakers and political leaders.